It has been 2 weeks since i started feeling weak, honestely i tried everything to know whats going on, blood work came with very few conclusions as well as the heart scan...
tried to rest, tried to ease the training but everything does not change, with one of my A races on saturday im pretty sure a "DN$" will show at the result sheet from Vitoria. right now i really just want to go home...
yesterday i felt really bad again with the exact same synthoms as 2 weeks ago and other occasions during this stay at font romeu, but i still cant figure out, nor the medic, what is going on. Today i went fr a short run and felt like an old man out of shape (dont want to provoque anyone) so i just dis nothing the rest of the day. ill probably will do so tomorrow and will probably do so until i feel anything good... if i have to skip the race, so be it
more soon...or whatever :(
be patient...something positive will arise...
come home...
head up!
Wishing you speedy recovery!
Hope you get some answers and get well soon my friend!
Sérgio, melhoras rápidas. Repousa, resolve o problema e regressa quando te sentires bem e com vontada de treinar.
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