Racing in each weekend while still training hard and long is tough. i dont think im saying anything hard to believe.
my routine for the past few weeks has been basically shrinking the week into the 5 work days, have a full morning of training on Saturday and try to relax in the afternoon, then race Sunday. a Duathlon a triathlon and an half ironman this week, that is quite a progress in racing style.
This week i will be at the first stage of the Portuguese national champs that will have 4 races, i will probably miss most of them but this one i wont. i was of course supposed to be in australia for the ironman but i wont go there again, im fine now.
The race in is porto santo (madeira) and to be honest i feel A LOT fitter than last years race at around the same time but i have been feeliing very tired with the past 3 weeks, the usual suspects will be there of course :P
as for what has been happening with races, the first duathlon in Cadaval (sprint distance)was a good tough and fast workout, i didnt run that (i was feeling a lot better at arronches) well in both legs but i biked decently and finished 20th
Then next week (last weekend) i finished the race at the exact same spot. The race in Alpiarça, the home town of my Tri club had everyone in the field including Russians, Spanish, English that have been around preparing for the international race in Quarteira in 2 weeks. I swam well ahead of the regular guys that normally swim with me at the local races and caught 3 groups leading to the run. This was a team cup competition and i pushed a full hand of team mates and was hoping for then to run better than me and close the team (Miguel Arraiolos and Duarte Marques where at the first group) but i had to do it myself and score for the team witch placed 2nd, very good.
Although Tired i have been feeling mentally fresh to suffer in races, another thing that i feel compared to last year at this time, that makes me happy ;)
as for totals:
Week 11
Swim: 23,6km
Bike: 507km
Run: 88km
Race: Sprint duathlon in cadaval
Week 12
Swim: 18,6km
Bike: 500km
Race: Sprint tri in Alpiarça
and a few photos of races:
The DU